Monday, May 31, 2010

Suid-Afrika is baie mooi! Ek kom dit elke keer agter as ek hier aankom. Almal van julle is genooi as julle ooit eendag wil kom kyk. Ons het die Donderdag na ek aangekom het maar net bietjie in Stellenbosch, waar André en Mariska op universiteit is, tyd spandeer en ook na die Somerset Mall toe gegaan wat naby is aan Die Strand. Ons is die volgende dag na Tafelberg toe om te gaan kyk of ons op kon gaan met die kabelkarre, maar ongelukkig was die wind die dag baie sterk en moes ons onder bly.

Ons het toe besluit om Kaap Punt toe te ry wat die mees suidelike punt is naby Kaapstad soos julle op die foto onder kan sien. Ons het oppad soontoe gestop in Houtbaai om te eet en ook omdat ons bietjie verdwaal het. Die klein restaurantjie op die see was perfek vir my! Ons het toe verder gery en omtrent teen 3:30 pm was ons by Kaap Punt. Ek sit 'n paar fotos by sodat julle kan sien en ook omdat fotos beter vertel wat ons daar gesien het.

Sudáfrica es precioso! Cada vez que llego me doy cuenta de nuevo. Todos estaís invitados si un día quereís venir para ver. El jueves después de que llegara fuimos a Stellenbosch donde van André y Mariska a la universidad, y también a Somerset Mall (un centro comercial) que está muy cerca de Die Strand. (Die Strand significa ¨La Playa¨ y es el lugar donde nos quedamos) El día siguiente fuimos a Table Mountain (una montaña muy conocida) para subir con los teleféricos pero no pudimos porque hizo demasiado viento.

Decidimos conducir hacia Cape Point (el Punto de El Cabo) que es el punto cerca de El Cabo y más al sur como podeís ver en la foto de arriba. En el camino fuimos a Houtbaai para comer y también porque estuvimos perdidos. Comimos en un restaurantito al lado de la mar! Entonces seguimos y llegamos a el Punto de El Cabo a las 3:30 por la tarde. Pongo unas fotos para que podaís ver lo que encontramos. De todas maneras las fotos enseñan todo mejor que lo que puedo contar.

Houtbaai, waar ons middagete geëet het/Hootbaai, donde comimos al mediodía

Dit was die moeite werd om te verdwaal omdat ons toe hierdie mooi pad moes vat / Perderse valió la pena ya que acabamos cogiendo esta carretera tan bonita de camino a "Cape Point":

Waar Jan Van Riebeeck voet aan wal gesit het / Donde Jan Van Riebeek (primer holandés en llegar a Sudàfrica) llegó la primera vez

Oppad het ons bobbejane raakgeloop / De camino nos encontramos un grupo de babuinos: qué culito tan mono! jeje (Ingrid)

Ons is hierso! :) / Por fín hemos llegado! :)

Kaappunt / El Punto del Cabo

Ek en my ma in kaappunt / Mi madre y yo en El Punto del Cabo

Waarnatoe volgende? / A dónde ahora? / Whereto next?


Sunday, May 30, 2010

The adventure home

I am sure not all of you would want to know about someone's trip home normally, but since this was not a normal trip, I felt that it needed some explanation in great detail to do justice to the events that took place. I promise to keep it as short as possible...

It was Sunday, the 16th of May and we were suppose to leave at different times from the airport in Fort Wayne. Ingrid was going to fly at around 1 pm and my flight was scheduled for around 5 pm. So weird start, but I mean that is definitely possible so it was not too suspicious. Well so I decide to just go to the airport the same time that Ingrid goes and then just wait around until my flight leaves later. We get to the airport and as I get out of the car, I realize that I did not bring my backpack with me. Pretty smart move right? Diego, my roommate tells me not to worry, but what does he know about the events that was going to happen the next couple of days.

It was perfect. I was going to go home to pick up my backpack and watch Rafa beat Roger again in the Madrid final before I had to be back for the flight at 5. We literally stopped at the house when Ingrid called and told me that they made a mistake and that I would actually have to fly with her in about 30 minutes. That is exactly how far the airport is from where we live. I am going to skip the details, but I missed that flight obviously and in the end I got another flight the next day to Atlanta where I would fly from to Johannesburg and then to Cape Town.

Monday, the 17th of May. Mishap number 2. My plane leaves the Fort Wayne airport and hour and 45 minutes late and I miss my connecting flight on Atlanta. I spend the night in a hotel in Atlanta. I was lying on the bed when I suddenly got a little thirsty. A Coke sounded delicious and as I opened my backpack to take out my wallet I made the discovery that my wallet was not in it as I thought. Fast forward a bit to the next day after I had contacted the Lost and Found departments of the Atlanta airport, the Fort Wayne airport, and Delta, the airline with which I flew. Keep in mind that this was aoll done throught the internet because I had cancelled my phone for the summer (a normal thing to do when you are not going to miss your flights).

My flight was the night at 7 pm and I did not miss this one since I was on the airport since about noon. When I got into the plane I realized that my seat was in first class and this made the flight a lot more enjoyable. I got to Johannesburg safely and then flew to Cape Town where my mom, sister, brother, and Ingrid were waiting. I know this was a long story, but I felt it was worth telling since this was the most interesting trip I had had up to that point in my life.

Best line of the trip:

I met a guy on the Atlanta airport who had lost his Raybans. After hearing that I had lost my wallet he asked the following, intriguing question: "Why did you do that?"

I am open to any suggestions on what to answer to a question like that in the future.



AYOBA quiz

So, for the first week's comment contest we have decided to ask you guys a question and see who gets the right answer, or the the funniest one....

What does AYOBA mean?
Qué significa AYOBA?
Què vol dir AYOBA?
Wat betekin AYOBA?

If you are motivated you can also try to guess where we got it from...
Si estáis motivados también podéis intentar adivinar de dónde lo hemos sacado....

"Googling it" is not allowed.

Price for the best answer!!!

Un viaje accidentado

So, after a nice dinner at club soda and an entire night packing (as usual the night before leaving for summer) Hermann and I head to the airport. But, just when we get there, around noon, the mister had forgotten his backpack: good thing he was not leaving till 5:20. We were flight separately ntil Amsterdam where we would take a flight tpgether to Cape Town, South Africa. So I check in and Diego and him go back home to get his backpack and watch the madrid tennis final. At one o'clock, thirty minutes before my flight was leaving, I see the flight is overbooked and they are looking for people to give up their seat. I go and ask if there is any way I can go in the flight with Hermann at 5:20 and the guy tells me: "there is no flight at 5, only one at 3:20". So, I call Hermann to tell him and in the middle of the call the guy asks me: "Are you flying with Hermann Kuschke? He is in the same flight as you, he has 10 minutes to check in". Obviously that was impossible. Apparently they have cancelled his flight some time in April and put him in my flight, but never told anyone (not him, not my dad, or the traveling agency that booked the flights). So I just go having no clue what's going on with Hermann.
Fort Wayne - Detroit, bien. Subo al avion que tiene que llevarme a Amsterdam y una hora antes de llegar el piloto nos informa que el volcan a vuelto a "escupir" y el aeropuerto de Amsterdam está cerrado; nos vamos a Paris. Salimos del avión y después de 6 horas de esperar en una cola, y otra, y otra más por fin tengo billetes para ir a Ciudad del cabo pasando por Johannesburgo. Solo un par de problemas: falta una maleta y no salgo hasta dentro de 11 horas! Por suerte mi hermanita está en Paris y ofrece que vaya a verla que me hará comida (yeay porque no tengo un duro!!) y me deja dormir en su camita!. Una hora de tren después estoy en su casa comiendo deliciosa pasta y verduras.....pequeña siesta, hablo con Hermann (todo bien y arreglado para que llegue al destino), con mis padres para que informen a los padres de Hermann y de vuelta al aeropuerto para coger el avión. Un día después, Martes a la una de la tarde, llego a Ciudad del Cabo donde tannie Minda, oom Hermann, Andre, y Mariska, me recogen para ir a "Die Strand" (la playa): como su nombre indica, una playa al lado de ciudad del cabo.

Summary: got to Cape Town a day late and without a boyfriend, but at least i got all my luggage!! (they better with 17 hours of delay in Paris...) And a little nice present from my awesome sister:

A nice warm hat (coming all the way from Peru) for Fort Wayne's awful cold!

La llengua es per tu, "obviously". Gracies petarda!! TEM


next: Hermann's adventure from Fort Wayne to Cape Town!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Welcome - Benvinguts - Bienvenidos - Welkom

Pre-post: This post is in English, Catalan, Spanish, and Afrikaans. The first two are the same, written by me, and the last two are the same (but different than the first two), written by Hermann.

After a long, tough, stressfull, but also fun semester, the summer is finally here and it is time for us (Hermann and I, Ingrid) to start our awesome trip together. From Fort Wayne, Indiana (US), to Cape Town (South Africa), and then Windhoek (Namibia) to visit Hermann's family. Then to Barcelona (Spain) to visit my family, and a little tour in the North of Spain: Pamplona to visit Luisin during San Fermines (the run of the bulls) and some part of the Basque country (Pais Vasco). After this, back to nice and cold Fort Wayne for at least one and a half years more to finish my undergrad.

Hermann and I will be posting as regularly as possible telling what's going on in our trip. The language may vary between English, Spanish, Catalan, and Afrikaans (yes I'm learning, and it's really cool! ;) ). For this first post we are doing all four! :p

This blog is starting a little late, but we'll catch up.

The preson to leave the funniest/most interesting comment every week will receive a little present from wherever we are that week. The contest goes from Sunday to Sunday starting tomorrow!


Despres de un semestre llarg, estressant, pero tambe divertit semestre, l'estiu ja es aqui i ha arribat l'hora que (el Hermann i jo, l'Ingrid) comencem el nostre super viatge junts. Desde Fort Wayne, Indiana (US), fins a Ciutat del Cap (Sud-africa), i llavors Windhoek (Namibia), per visitar la familia del Hermann. Despres, cap a Barcelona (Espanya) per visitar la meva familia, i un petit tour pel nord d'Espanya: Pamplona per veure al Luisin durant San Fermi i una mica del Pais Vasc. Despres d'aixo, de tornada cap al fred glacant de Fort Wayne durant una any i mig mes com a minim per acabar la carrera.

En Hermann i jo escriurem els "posts" el mes seguit possible explicanvos les ventures i desventures del nostre viatge. L'idioma anira variant entre l'angles, el catala, el castella, i l'afrikaans (si, estic aprenent i mola molt! ;) ). Per aquest primer "post" farem tots quatre!

El blog comensa una mica tard pero ja recuperarem!

Un petonet.

El que deixi el comentari mes divertit/gracios/interesant cada setamana guanyara un premi (un regalet de on siguem aquella setmana). El concurs comenca dema i sera de diumenge a diumenge.

P.S.: Sento la falta d'accents i c trencada, teclat angles...

Ek wou graag my eie blog skep en die programering deel self doen, maar het aan die einde van die semester nie die tyd gehad om alles te finaliseer nie en alhoewel ek hoop dat ek dit binnekort sal kan voltooi, het ons besluit om solank hier voort te gaan met ons daaglikse gebeure. Ons sal so gereeld as moontlik skryf en soos Ingrid ook al verduidelik het, sal ons kompetisies hê elke week waar die persoon met die snaakste of interessantste kommentaar een of ander klein persentjie sal ontvang. Jammer vir die opondhoud, maar waar ons in Suid-Afrika gebly het, was daar nie internet beskikaar nie. Almal weet mos dat Namibië die enigste beskaafde land in Afrika is. Daarom het ons nou internet 24 uur per dag en sal ons almal op hoogte hou!

Quería crear mi propio blog y hacer la parte de programación, pero al final del semester no tuve el tiempo para finalizar todo y aunque espero que lo pueda completar pronto hemos decidido empezar aquí con lo que hacemos cada día. Escribiremos siempre que podamos y como Ingird ya ha explicado tendremos una competencia en la cual la persona con el comentario más gracioso o interesante recibirá un regalito pequeño. Disculpa por el retraso pero donde nos quedamos en Sudáfrica no tuvimos internet. Todos nosotros sabemos que Namibia es el único país civilizado en África. Por eso ahora tenemos internet disponible cada día y mantendremos a todos en el ajo!
